To see every Disciple equipped and empowered to multiply disciples and churches all over Africa.
It is our Mission to win people to Christ, train believers to become disciples and send disciples to impact the world.
Evangelize and disciple all People Group in keeping with the mandate of Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-16).
Go globally and make disciples.
LEADERS FOR CHRIST MISSION INC. Is founded on the word of God according to Matthew 28:19, and Act 1:8. We reach the unreached across Africa to teach them the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ, train them and send them to make disciples to all Nation.
As a community of believers, we seek to introduce people to Jesus Christ and to nurture their faith through all ages and stages of life.
Understanding that the lifelong equipping of leaders is essential for churches and ministries to flourish, we identify, recruit and train leaders to be servants in the Kingdom of God.
At Village Mission we shepherds the people through preaching, teaching and mentoring. Yet, like a missionary, we show the love of Christ to the unreached community through visitation, volunteering in local activities and serving alongside townsfolk in their trades.
We spends time studying the Word of God, praying and teaching the people. The other things we help the community with:
We don’t only lead them to Jesus Christ but we also train them on skills and business that can be of great impact in their community.
This is the “LCM” Disciples / Leaders Training Center Construction at Headquarters
KPG Memorial Drive New-Tissor Layout off Hangha Highway Kenema City Sierra Leone West Africa.
08:00 AM – 18.00 PM
Monday – Sunday
Phone: +232 76 126992
copyright: Leaders For Christ Mission INC. All Rights Reserved